
If you’ve ever wondered why they don’t teach teens about money in school, you’re not alone. Chances are, either you or your friends have asked this same question. Until the school curriculum changes, teaching teens about money in the real world remains in the domain of parenting.


How many times in the past have you been strapped for cash during the holidays? Do holidays always seem to come at the worst times, when you have a month of unexpected expenses or cash emergencies? Have you repeatedly wished that you could turn back the clock and plan ahead for the extra costs related to gifts and holidays? Managing the extra expenses is totally achievable.


As a small business owner, you realize just how important your employees have been to your company's success. Since the holiday season is fast approaching, this is a perfect time to show your appreciation for their hard work. But like many business owners, you may be unsure as to the best ways to express your appreciation.


As an employee who has been loyal to your company, shows up on time day after day, and puts your heart and soul into your job, you know when the time has come to ask for a much-deserved raise in pay. Yet while most employees have this idea in their heads at some point during their careers, surveys have shown that less than 40 percent actually follow through with this request.


If you have been fortunate enough to receive a cash windfall, you may be tempted to do something frivolous with your new riches, such as take an exotic vacation or splurge on new clothes. While these things are great, the fact is you will not be putting your money to excellent use by choosing these options. If you want to make the most of your cash windfall, here are some possibilities you should be discussing with your CPA.


Most people keep a copy of their tax returns after they file. And, if they don’t retain a copy themselves, they may rely on their CPA to keep a copy. But sometimes, you may need a tax return from many years ago and a copy isn’t immediately available. Another situation might arise where the third party that’s requesting your old tax return won’t accept it directly from you.


The IRS grants tax exempt status to certain types of organizations in order to give relief of some financial burden. This status must be applied for. Once granted, your organization will be able to have business income that is free from federal taxes. This can greatly improve an organization’s chances of success, thereby enabling it to do the most public good possible.


In today's world, you need to work smarter, not necessarily harder. To accomplish this, you should take a closer look at generating passive income. Rather than always struggling to earn a few dollars here and there, it pays to find ways that will have your money working for you, rather than the other way around. If you're ready to be anything but passive about earning more income, here are nine ways to generate passive income.


Negative items on your credit report can stay there up to seven years. That’s a long time to pay for a financial mistake, especially if you’ve since improved your financial habits. Your credit report directly impacts your credit score. This helps creditors to determine if you are a good risk. But negative items could keep you from getting the best interest rates on loans and credit cards.

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